14 December 2013

The Art of Balance

Ayurveda is an ancient system of natural healing that has a very modern application. Native to the Indian subcontinent, "Ayurveda" translates to the knowledge/science of life and incorporates specific diets, routines and awareness to promote self-healing and self-actualisation. 

There is a wide range of literature on this topic but this article (Intro to Ayurveda) provides the essentials. 

According to Ayurveda, we are made up of different energies, or doshas, known as vata, pitta and kapha. Though each person encompasses all three energies, most people tend to have more of one or the other. This unique combination makes up who you are and helps explain your tendencies. 

Find out what dosha(s) you are here:

I am a mix of Vata-Pitta. Out of balance Vata can lead to:
  • nervousness, anxiety, panic, fear
  • twitches, tics, tremors, spasms
  • dry or chapped skin
  • constipation, gas, bloating, dry, hard stools
  • low body weight
  • dislike of cold and wind
  • difficulty tolerating loud noises
  • light, interrupted sleep
  • spacey, scattered feeling
  • excess thinking or worrying

Additionally, out of balance Pitta can lead to:
  • red, inflamed rash, acne, cold sores
  • acute inflammation in body or joints
  • acid reflux, gastric or peptic ulcers, heartburn
  • nausea or discomfort upon missing meals
  • loose stools
  • uncomfortable feeling of heat in the body
  • frustration, anger, irritability
  • judgment, impatience, criticism, intolerance
  • red, inflamed or light-sensitive eyes
  • excessive perfectionist tendencies
Source: (Banyan Botanicals)

Once you know your dosha, you can work on balancing it. "Balance" means eating a variety of foods appropriate for your body type, exercise that is suitable for your dosha and being mindful and present in your daily life. 

To happiness, balance and beauty!

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