18 November 2012

i-n-s-p-i-r-a-t-i-o-n, is it you that calls my name?

"I" like the ideology that wraps itself around you like a blanket
And the blanket is a protection
The protection is a mask
A masquerade
Returning the gaze
I can see you just as much as you can see me
"N" I, "N" is like the narcissism that tunnels your vision
All you can see is “me”
And all your fucked up little dreams
Hidden behind that mirror
And gazing doesn’t make it any clearer
But "S", "S" is for sexuality
Striped to shreds by society’s morality
But I don’t understand why
The religion that preaches tolerance
Has followers so filled with hate
But it’s not too late
Cause "P" is for possibility
Change, hope and ability
For protest and for peace
And we are back to "I"
Cause I like to talk about me
And everything I want to be
"R" is for revolution
Is it religion, redemption or resolution that you seek?
Have all your vices made you weak?
Then it’s “A” the pill you take
Because "A" is for absolution
The need to be absolved
Absolved from being involved
Removed from the "T" for trauma
Like that fading memory
That reoccurs again
I’ve got an "I"..idea
Let us take another hit
And close our eyes
"O" oh I’m on the brink of sleep
“I" praise the Lord my soul to keep
N I’m nervous.
I need some INSPIRATION.

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